The Importance of Watershed Ecosystem Services with Emphasis on Runoff yield and Erosion Control
Subject Areas :
Elnaz Ghabelnezam
Raoof Mostafazadeh
Abazar Esmali
Zeinab Hazbavi
1 - MSc of Watershed Management Engineering, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Natural Resources, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Member of Water Management Research Center, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
3 - Professor, Department of Natural Resources, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Member of Water Management Research Center, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resources, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Member of Water Management Research Center, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
Received: 2019-11-13
Accepted : 2022-05-22
Published : 2022-09-23
erosion control,
Quantitative assessment,
Ecosystem function,
Water yield,
Abstract :
Target field: Rapid growth of human population and the over exploitation of natural resources leads to the higher demand for ecosystem services which exceeded their supply capacity. Ecosystem services are benefits that directly or indirectly affect human well-being. As ecosystem services are the product of natural systems in interaction with human society, they are essential for economic prosperity, welfare, and human survival.
Analysis method: In this regard, the present paper deals with explaining watershed ecosystem services with emphasis on issues related to runoff generation and erosion reduction in watersheds. In addition to thoroughly reviewing studies conducted with different goals, different classification types of ecosystem services, the used approaches in evaluating these services have been examined. In the following, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) framework in terms of interaction between ecosystem services and human welfare has been described. In addition, the relationship between watershed management and the improvement of ecosystem services is also discussed. Models used in estimating ecosystem services are mentioned and finally a conclusion from the role and importance of runoff and erosion reduction in ecosystem services as one of the important components of watershed response is provided.
Findings: The results of literature review showed that the most related studies focused only on a limited number of ecosystem services, and investigating the location of runoff production and reducing erosion and setting it as an ecosystem service is not very evident in these studies.
Discussion and Conclusion: Given that the issue of runoff and erosion is a serious issue in the world and especially in Iran, therefore, measures to identify factors, control and protect areas prone to runoff, sedimentation and erosion are among the most important national duties and measures in the country. Based on this, by broadening studies and researches and providing methods for quantifying and predicting ecosystem services based on runoff regulatory services and erosion reduction, it is possible to help prioritize and zone areas prone to runoff and erosion to explain management strategies and deterrence.
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Paudyal, k., Baral, H., Bhandari, S.P., Bhandari A., Keenan, A.J. Spatial assessment of the impact of land use and land cover change on supply of ecosystem services in Phewa watershed, Nepal. Ecosystem Services. 2019. (36): 1-15.
Peng, J., Yang, Y., Liu, Y., Hu, Y., Du, , Meersmans, J., Qiu, S. Linking ecosystem services and circuit theory to identify ecological security patterns. Science of the Total Environment. 2018. (644): 781-790.
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Qiao, X., Gu, Y., Zou, Ch., Xu, D., Wang, L., Ye, X., Yang, Y., Huang, X. Temporal variation and spatial scale dependency of the trade-offs and synergies among multiple ecosystem services in the Taihu Lake Basin of Science of the Total Environment. 2019. (651): 218-229.
Qiu, J., Carpenter, S.R., Booth, E.G., Motew, M., Zipper, S.C., Kucharik, C.K., Loheide, S.P., Turner, M.G. Understanding relationships among ecosystem services across spatial scales and over time. Environmental Research Letters. 2018. (13): 2-15.
Zhao, M., Peng, J., Liu, Y., Li, T., Wang, Y. Mapping Watershed-Level Ecosystem Service Bundles in the Pearl River Delta, China. Ecological Economics. 2018. (152): 106-117.
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Bangash, R.F., Passuello, A., Sanchez-Canales, M., Terrado, M., López, A., Elorza, F.J., Ziv, G., Acuña, V., chuhmacher, C. Ecosystem services in Mediterranean river basin: climate change impact on water provisioning and erosion control. Science of the Total Environment. 2013. (458-460): 246-255.
Ritten, J., Fernández-Giménez, M.E., Pritchett, J., Kachergis, E., Bish, W. Using state and transition models to determine the opportunity cost of providing ecosystem services. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 2018. (71): 737-752.
Periotto, N.A., TundisiA characterization of ecosystem services, drivers and values of two watersheds in Sao Paulo state, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 2018. 397-407.
Fu, Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, C., Zang, W., Guo, W., Qian, Z., Liu, L., Feng, J. Payments for ecosystem services for watershed water resource allocations. Journal of Hydrology. 2017. 22-1694(17): 30816-8.
Yang, S., Zhao, W., Liu, Y., Wang, S., Wang, J., Zhai, R. Influence of land use change on the ecosystem service trade-offs in the ecological restoration area: Dynamics and scenarios in the Yanhe watershed, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2018. (644): 556-56.
Hu, T., Wu, J., Li, W. Assessing relationships of ecosystem services on multi-scale: A case study of soil erosion control and water yield in the Pearl River Delta. Ecological Indicators. 2019. (99): 193-202.
Jahanishakib, F., Malekmohammadi, B., Zbardast, L., Adeli, F. Investigating the capability and application of ecosystem services as ecological indicators in the DPSIR model of Chaghakhor lagoon, Environmental Research, 2013, 5 (10): 109-120. (In Persian)
Asadolahi, Z., Salman Mahiny, R., Mirkarimi, S.H., Azimi, M. Modeling sediment retention ecosystem service using InVEST software (Case study: Estern Part of Gorgan-Rud Watershed). Environmental Erosion Research. 2015. 3 (19): 61-75. (In Persian)
Zarandian, A. Introducing a framework for application of the ecosystem services approach in the water resources management. Environment and Interdisiplinary Development. 2018. 3 (60): 17-28. (In Persian)
Seyedi, Sara. Modeling ecosystem services of watersheds in different climate change scenarios of Zayandehroud watershed, Master's thesis, Environmental Management and Education, University of Tehran, 2015, 2-10. (In Persian)
SaeedSabaee, M., Salman Mahiny, R., Gharibi, R., SaeedSabaee, E. Optimizing land-use allocation with respect to ecosystem services using Linear programming. Natural Environment. 2015. 69 (3): 697-713. (In Persian)
Asadolahi, Z., Salman Mahiny, R. Investigating the effect of land use change on the supply of ecosystem services (carbon storage and sequestration). Environmental Research. 2017. 8 (15): 203-214. (In Persian)
Haghshenas, E., Gholamalifard, M., Mahmoudi, N. Applied introduction of ecosystem service modeling of marine aquaculture: Approach for estimation of production and net present value (NPV). Iranian Scientific Journal. 2017. 26 (1): 141-152. (In Persian)
Masnavi, M.R., Dabiri, M. The potential of urban ecosystem services valuation as a tool for planning more sustainable cities. Manzar. 2017. 41, 24-35. (In Persian)
Zarandian, A., Yavari, A.R., Jafari, H.R., Amirnejad, H. Modeling landuse change impacts on water-related ecosystem services using a policy support system. Environmental Sciences. 2016. 13 (4): 97-112. (In Persian)
Rahimi, L., Malekmohammadi, B., Yavari, A. The ecosystem services assessment of wetlands based on the classification of hydrological-ecological structures and functions (Case study: Shadegan Wetland). Geography and Sustainability of Environment. 2019. 9 (1): 51-72. (In Persian)
Logsdon, R.A., Chaubey, I. A quantitative approach to evaluating ecosystem services. Ecological Modelling. 2013. (257): 57-65.
Paudyal, k., Baral, H., Bhandari, S.P., Bhandari A., Keenan, A.J. Spatial assessment of the impact of land use and land cover change on supply of ecosystem services in Phewa watershed, Nepal. Ecosystem Services. 2019. (36): 1-15.
Peng, J., Yang, Y., Liu, Y., Hu, Y., Du, , Meersmans, J., Qiu, S. Linking ecosystem services and circuit theory to identify ecological security patterns. Science of the Total Environment. 2018. (644): 781-790.
Ritten, J., Fernández-Giménez, M.E., Pritchett, J., Kachergis, E., Bish, W. Using state and transition models to determine the opportunity cost of providing ecosystem services. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 2018. (71): 737-752.
Ronchi, S. Ecosystem services for spatial planning innovative approaches and challenges for Practical Applications. Green Energy and Technology. Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature. 2018. Chapter 1, 1-20.
Xiang, H., Yaning, Ch., Jianxin, M., Yapeng, Ch. Study on change in value of ecosystem service function of Tarim River. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 2010. (30): 67-75.
Bai, Y., Zheng, H., Ouyang, Zh., Jiang, B. Modeling hydrological ecosystem services and tradeoffs: a case study in Baiyangdian watershed, China. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2012. 1-13.
Alam, M. Ecological and economic indicators for measuring erosion control services provided by ecosystems. Ecological Indicators. 2018. (95): 695-701.
Romero Diaz, A., Diaz.Pereira, E., DeVente, J. Ecosystem services provision by gully control. A review. Geographical Research Letters. 2019. (45): 1697- 9540.
Wu, X., Wang, S., Fu, B., Liu, Y., Zhu, Land use optimization based on ecosystem service assessment: A case study in the Yanhe watershed. Land Use Policy. 2018. (72): 303-312.
Feng, Zh., Cui, Y., Zhang, H., Gao, Y. Assessment of human consumption of ecosystem services in China from 2000 to 2014 based on an ecosystem service footprint model. Ecological Indicators. 2018. (94): 468-481.
Schumacher, E.F. Small is beautiful: a study of economics as if people mattered. London: Blond and Briggs. 1973.
Ehrlich, P.R., Ehrlich, A.H. Extinction: the causes and consequences of the disappearance of species. Random House, New York. 1981. 305
Daily, G.C. Nature's services: societal dependence on natural ecosystems. Island Press, Washington. 1997. 392.
Daily, G.C., Söderqvist, T.,Aniyar, S., Arrow, K.,Dasgupta, P., Ehrlich, P.R., Folke, C., Jansson, A., Jansson, B.O. The value of nature and the nature of value. Science. 2000. 289 (5478): 395–396.
Costanza, R., Arge, R., De Groot, R., Farber, S., Grasso, M., Hannon, B., Limburg, K., Naeem, S., O'Neill, R.V., Paruelo, J., Raskin, R.G., Sutton, P., van den Belt, M. The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital. Nature. 1997. (387): 253-260.
Brown, T.C., Bergstrom, J.C., Loomis, J.B. Defining valuing and providing ecosystem goods and services. Natural Resources. 2007. 47 (2): 329–376.
MEA (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment). Ecosystems and human well-being: synthesis. Washington, DC: Island Press. 2005. 1-12.
Brauman, K., Brils, J. Ecosystem services and river basin management. 2014. 265-295.
Mahmoudi, B. An analysis of international classifications of ecosystem services (a strategy for determining the natural ecosystem services of the country). The fifth conference on the Iranian Islamic model of progress; Basic development pattern, 20 April 2016. (In Persian)
Qiao, X., Gu, Y., Zou, Ch., Xu, D., Wang, L., Ye, X., Yang, Y., Huang, X. Temporal variation and spatial scale dependency of the trade-offs and synergies among multiple ecosystem services in the Taihu Lake Basin of Science of the Total Environment. 2019. (651): 218-229.
Qiu, J., Carpenter, S.R., Booth, E.G., Motew, M., Zipper, S.C., Kucharik, C.K., Loheide, S.P., Turner, M.G. Understanding relationships among ecosystem services across spatial scales and over time. Environmental Research Letters. 2018. (13): 2-15.
Zhao, M., Peng, J., Liu, Y., Li, T., Wang, Y. Mapping Watershed-Level Ecosystem Service Bundles in the Pearl River Delta, China. Ecological Economics. 2018. (152): 106-117.
Bolund, P., Hunhammar, S. Ecosystem services in urban area. Ecological Economics. 1999. (29): 301-293.
Portela, R., Rademacher, I. A dynamic model of patterns of deforestation and their effect on the ability of the Brazilian Amazonia to provide ecosystem services. Ecological Modelling. 2001. (143): 115-146.
Zhang, X., Lu, X. Multiple criteria evaluation of ecosystem services for the Ruoergai Plateau Marshes in southwest China. Ecological Economics. 2010. (69): 1463-1470.
Bangash, R.F., Passuello, A., Sanchez-Canales, M., Terrado, M., López, A., Elorza, F.J., Ziv, G., Acuña, V., chuhmacher, C. Ecosystem services in Mediterranean river basin: climate change impact on water provisioning and erosion control. Science of the Total Environment. 2013. (458-460): 246-255.
Ritten, J., Fernández-Giménez, M.E., Pritchett, J., Kachergis, E., Bish, W. Using state and transition models to determine the opportunity cost of providing ecosystem services. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 2018. (71): 737-752.
Periotto, N.A., TundisiA characterization of ecosystem services, drivers and values of two watersheds in Sao Paulo state, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 2018. 397-407.
Fu, Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, C., Zang, W., Guo, W., Qian, Z., Liu, L., Feng, J. Payments for ecosystem services for watershed water resource allocations. Journal of Hydrology. 2017. 22-1694(17): 30816-8.
Yang, S., Zhao, W., Liu, Y., Wang, S., Wang, J., Zhai, R. Influence of land use change on the ecosystem service trade-offs in the ecological restoration area: Dynamics and scenarios in the Yanhe watershed, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2018. (644): 556-56.
Hu, T., Wu, J., Li, W. Assessing relationships of ecosystem services on multi-scale: A case study of soil erosion control and water yield in the Pearl River Delta. Ecological Indicators. 2019. (99): 193-202.
Jahanishakib, F., Malekmohammadi, B., Zbardast, L., Adeli, F. Investigating the capability and application of ecosystem services as ecological indicators in the DPSIR model of Chaghakhor lagoon, Environmental Research, 2013, 5 (10): 109-120. (In Persian)
Asadolahi, Z., Salman Mahiny, R., Mirkarimi, S.H., Azimi, M. Modeling sediment retention ecosystem service using InVEST software (Case study: Estern Part of Gorgan-Rud Watershed). Environmental Erosion Research. 2015. 3 (19): 61-75. (In Persian)
Zarandian, A. Introducing a framework for application of the ecosystem services approach in the water resources management. Environment and Interdisiplinary Development. 2018. 3 (60): 17-28. (In Persian)
Seyedi, Sara. Modeling ecosystem services of watersheds in different climate change scenarios of Zayandehroud watershed, Master's thesis, Environmental Management and Education, University of Tehran, 2015, 2-10. (In Persian)
SaeedSabaee, M., Salman Mahiny, R., Gharibi, R., SaeedSabaee, E. Optimizing land-use allocation with respect to ecosystem services using Linear programming. Natural Environment. 2015. 69 (3): 697-713. (In Persian)
Asadolahi, Z., Salman Mahiny, R. Investigating the effect of land use change on the supply of ecosystem services (carbon storage and sequestration). Environmental Research. 2017. 8 (15): 203-214. (In Persian)
Haghshenas, E., Gholamalifard, M., Mahmoudi, N. Applied introduction of ecosystem service modeling of marine aquaculture: Approach for estimation of production and net present value (NPV). Iranian Scientific Journal. 2017. 26 (1): 141-152. (In Persian)
Masnavi, M.R., Dabiri, M. The potential of urban ecosystem services valuation as a tool for planning more sustainable cities. Manzar. 2017. 41, 24-35. (In Persian)
Zarandian, A., Yavari, A.R., Jafari, H.R., Amirnejad, H. Modeling landuse change impacts on water-related ecosystem services using a policy support system. Environmental Sciences. 2016. 13 (4): 97-112. (In Persian)
Rahimi, L., Malekmohammadi, B., Yavari, A. The ecosystem services assessment of wetlands based on the classification of hydrological-ecological structures and functions (Case study: Shadegan Wetland). Geography and Sustainability of Environment. 2019. 9 (1): 51-72. (In Persian)