Taking Advantage of Multi-criteria Decision-making TOPSIS Entropy to Prioritize the Threat of Biodiversity: A Case Study of Khuzestan Province
Subject Areas :
Environmental Impact Assessment
Seyed Mohammad Lari Baghal
Soolmaz Dashti
1 - Ph.D. Student, Department of Environment, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Environment, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
Received: 2019-01-08
Accepted : 2021-04-04
Published : 2022-09-23
Multi-criteria decision making,
Abstract :
Target: This research is aimed at prioritizing the threat of biodiversity in the country. In this regard, in the first step, the threatening factors, the Dangers and Potential Damage Identifiers and then, according to the large criteria, the probability of occurrence and environmental sensitivity of the work are evaluated and the classification of threats to biodiversity was taken.
Analysis Method: In this paper, the mental storm process is used to identify important threats. The multi-criteria entropy decision-making technique has been used to calculate the probability of occurrence index, severity and sensitivity of each threatening factor, and using the TOPSIS model, identifying threats Prioritized.
Results: The results show that the highest amount is related to the destruction of natural habitats with 0.834, Hunter allowed 0.481, And the entry of invasive species, the alienation and illegal trade and climate change 0.304 is placed in the first to third priority respectively.
Discussion and conclusion: Considering the need to protect genetic resources and the sensitivity of biodiversity in Khuzestan province, it is necessary and unavoidable to make principled and calculated decisions and implement preventive activities.
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General Department of Environmental Protection of Khuzestan, 2016. (in Persian)
Deputy of natural environment of the country's environmental protection organization, 2017. (in Persian)
Muhlbauer, W. Kent., 2004. Pipeline Risk Management Manual: Ideas, -Techniques, and Resources . Burlington: Elsevier Inc.
Khatlan, A., Jafari, A., Chamanifard, M. Comparative comparison of risk assessment systems for drilling oil and gas wells and providing a model for Iran. First National Conference on Earthquake Crisis Management and Vulnerability of Vital Places and Arteries, Tehran: Khordad 30-31, 2019. (in Persian)
Amal K. Ali. Using the Delphi technique to Search for empirical measures of local planning agency power. Qualitative Report2005,10:718-744.
Loo R.The Delphi Method: a Powerful Tool for Strategic Management. Police Strategies & Management, 2002; 25:762-769.
Lari-Baqal, S., Jafarzadeh, N. The application of Entropy and Saw multi-criteria decision-making techniques in assessing the environmental risk of dredging the docks of Imam Khomeini Port (RA), Juntashapir Quarterly, 3rd, 2013. (in Persian)
Asgharpour, M. Multi-criteria decision making, 6th edition, Tehran University Press, 2017. (in Persian)
Malek-Hosseini, F., Dashti, S. Evaluation and ranking of environmental risks of Dena protected area using hierarchical analysis method, Natural Environment, Volume 70, Number 2, Summer 2016.