Modeling the attraction of investment in Iran's sports tourism industry with an emphasis on mix marketing and sustainable development
Subject Areas :
Azam Abbasi
Hosein Akbari Yazdi
Mohammadreza Moinfard
Alireza Elahi
1 - PhD student of sport management, Kharazmi university. Tehran
2 - Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran
3 - Associate Professor of Sports Management, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar
4 - Associate Professor of Sports Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran
Received: 2022-05-17
Accepted : 2022-05-31
Published : 2022-05-22
Sustainable Development,
sports tourism,
marketing mix,
model presentation,
Abstract :
The present study was conducted with the aim of presenting a model for attracting investment in the Iranian sports tourism industry with an emphasis on the marketing mix and sustainable development. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part included all experts in the field of sports marketing management, sports tourism and tourism marketing management. A total of 17 interviews were conducted by purposive sampling method to reach theoretical saturation and in a small part of the same people plus capital Sports spenders and sports entrepreneurs were nationwide. The questionnaires were distributed electronically and finally 249 questionnaires were completed correctly. Research tools in the qualitative section, reconciliation and review of theoretical foundations, and in the quantitative section, a questionnaire made from the qualitative section with the focus on 3 mixed marketing variables in the Iranian sports tourism industry (7 items), sustainable development (6 items) and attracting investors in the tourism industry. It was sports (2 items). Exploratory factor analysis test was used to measure items and questions of each variable and structural equation modeling test was used with PLS software. The results of the research model showed that the mixed marketing path to sustainable development with the effect factor (0.899) had the greatest effect among the variables. The mixed marketing-to-investment path with an impact factor (0.484) was in the next category, and the sustainable development path to an investment with an impact factor (0.356) had the lowest effect among other variables. In a general conclusion, it should be mentioned that for the development of Iran's sports tourism industry, first of all, special attention should be paid to the marketing mix, because in this case, sustainable development can be achieved and investors can be encouraged to invest in the tourism industry. Import sports.
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