Analyzing the role of innovation on the competitive advantage of knowledge-based companies
Subject Areas : marketingMina Sarshar 1 , Majid Fattahi 2 * , Niloufar Imankhan 3
1 - PhD student, Department of Management, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
2 - Assisstant Professor, Department of Management, Sari Branch,Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management , Firoozkooh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh, Iran
Keywords: program, sales strategy, innovation, competitive advantage, knowledge-based company,
Abstract :
One of the requirements for the development of knowledge-based companies is to pay attention to the category of evaluating their performance.Considering the emergence of companies and organizations whosemain foundation is based on knowledge and the use of ideas, creativity, and innovations, the need for thecorrect application of knowledge the organization becomes more and more apparent day by day.In ordertotake advantageof market opportunitiesandcreate new products, knowledge-based companies, in additiontoentrepreneurial orientation, need to use effective marketing strategies and sales strategies.Consideringthe extensive changes and continuous dynamics of the business environment,aswell as the importance of the resilience of start-up businesses, especially knowledge-based companies, one of the effective strategies in this field to gain a sustainable competitive advantage is innovation performance. The purpose of this research is to examine the role of innovation on the competitive advantage of knowledge-based companies. This is a review article complemented by observational research and empirical documentation. First, it was studied based on library studies and internet searches in reliable databases such as Scopus,Web of Science, Science Direct, Google Scholar and advanced search in Google In this study,100 domestic and foreign texts were examined, of which 45articles were about competitive advantage and innovation in knowledge-based companies,and finally 15 articles were used.Findings show that innovation capabilities,competitive advantage,marketing can significantly improve innovation performance.Also, the capabilities of resource allocation andresearch and development cansignificantly lead to the improvement of new product introduction.As aresult, creating a competitive advantage of knowledge-based companies dependson innovation and providing a platform for the sales strategy program for managers.