Investigating the Role of Religious Centers in Reducing the Social Isolation of Urban Neighborhoods with a Social Capital Approach, a Case Study: (Tajrish Neighborhood and Shah Abdolazim Neighborhood of Tehran)
Subject Areas :
MohammadAli ghahremani
Elham Amini
1 - Master Student of Urban Planning, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Pardis Branch, Islamic Azad University, Pardis, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Pardis Branch, Islamic Azad University, Pardis, Iran
Keywords: Social capital, Tehran, Social Isolation, Religious centers, Tajrish, Shah Abdolazim,
Abstract :
The pattern of physical construction can be considered the simplest way to achieve the formation of social solidarity and reduce social isolation, some of which are due to the role of religious centers in the neighborhood; It revives the spirit of the neighborhood, and without a doubt, its quantity and quality will depend on the health of the neighborhood. The purpose of this study was to investigate and identify indicators of the role of religious centers in reducing social isolation in Tajrish and Shah Abdolazim neighborhoods of Tehran with a social capital approach that can reduce social isolation in these neighborhoods. In this research, a survey method has been used. Data were used as a questionnaire and organized interviews among citizens of Tajrish neighborhood in District 1 and Shah Abdolazim neighborhood in District 20 of Tehran. SPSS and lisrel 8.8 software were used to analyze the data. The role of religious centers in reducing the social isolation of urban neighborhoods with the approach of social capital, through criteria (structural, communication, cognitive) were examined. By analyzing the data of the questionnaire using confirmatory factor analysis, it was found that the sub-criteria and research questions fully represent the components of the research. Based on Pearson test; The communication component has the highest effect on reducing the social isolation of Tajrish and Shah Abdolazim neighborhoods.The conceptual model of the research was developed using the LISREL model and its fit was confirmed. Research components are also based on average rankings.
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