Designing an E- Participation Pattern to Regeneration in the Urban Decline of Isfahan
Subject Areas :Khatere Amiri 1 , Mohammad Masoud 2 * , Daruosh Moradi Chadegani 3 , Faramarz Safi - Esfahani 4 , Negin Sadeghi 5
1 - Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Isfahan University of Arts, Isfahan, Iran
3 - Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Isfahan University of Arts, Isfahan, Iran
4 - Department of Computer Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
5 - Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: development, SWOT model, village, Rasht, AHP model, Pesikhan village,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to investigate the level of rural development using SWOT and AHP models (Case study: Pesikhan village in the central part of Rasht). This research is a descriptive-analytical research and in terms of the purpose of an applied research. The statistical population of the study consists of officials and villagers of Pesikhan village in the central part of Rasht. The method of collecting information is field and library. Statistics and information available in the culture of settlements during statistical periods have been used to study. SWOT and AHP models were used to analyze the data. The results indicate that the village of Safsar is at the level of a development and is one of the developed villages of the village and Klash Talshan and Atashgah villages are relatively developed villages and other rural areas are underdeveloped villages of the village. Although studies show that there is a lot of potential in the villages of Pesikhan district to achieve rural development; However, in the current situation of rural settlements in Rasht, there is an imbalance in the level of development and the development of villages in this city is facing serious challenges and obstacles. This indicates that the rural settlements of Rasht city have suffered from imbalances and imbalances in the level of development and should be considered with the help of rural villages and village councils, if possible, considering the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the region. Have services.
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