Explaining the Quality of Citizens' Subjective Perception of the Quality of Environmental Elements of Urban Sidewalks Case study: Tabriz Metropolis
Subject Areas :
1 - Mohhamad Ebrahim Ramazani, Assistant Professor, Department of Environment, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran; Center of Research of Sustainable Development Management of Urmia Lake, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz
Keywords: Urban environment, Tabriz Metropolis, Sidewalk, Subjective perception,
Abstract :
This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the quality of citizens' subjective perception of the quality of green spaces in urban sidewalks to provide suggestions for improving the quality of biological elements by considering the perceptions of citizens. In terms of nature, the present study is a quantitative research and in terms of data collection, it is field research. The statistical population of this study is all pedestrians. Due to the uncertainty of the statistical population, the sampling method was used for an unlimited population, and 380 people were randomly selected. The reliability of the questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha formula 0.884 for Tarbiat, 0.889 for Valiasr and 0.901 was obtained for the Ark. Analysis of research data using factor analysis showed that a total of 34 variables were able to explain 95.66% of the variance of the total variance. The results of the MANOVA test showed that there was a significant difference between the three sidewalks in terms of the quality of subjective perception of environmental elements, and in the meantime, the correlation rate on the Tarbiat sidewalk was higher than Valiasr and Ark. Finally, the results of the regression test showed that in terms of significance, the variables of tree planting and flowering, environmental health, living organisms, water, urban planning, and urban microclimate are in order, respectively. According to the findings of the research, practical research proposals with the focus on arboriculture and floriculture were presented to strengthen the aesthetic and ecological health to observe health of sidewalks.
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