The relationship between the factors affecting the formation of learner (Case Study: Bonab)
Subject Areas :
Rahim Sarvar
Majid Akbari
Marzieh TaleshAnboohi
1 - Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Science and Research Branch, Azad University of Tehran
2 - 2. M.A Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Payam Noor University, Rasht
3 - M.A Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Gilan University
Keywords: SEM, Learning Organization, Lifelong learning, Learning City, Bonab,
Abstract :
Learning a new phenomenon in the city, playing in cities, towns and regions of the world and potentially one of the strongest and most important movements of our turbulent times. This study examined the relationship between the factors affecting the formation of the learning is done in BONAB. From the perspective of this study, descriptive and survey and our objective is applied. One cross-sectional view of time and, in particular, is based on structural equation modeling. Which was conducted in 1394 in Bonab. Cochran unlimited sampling population size is taken. To measure the variables in this study and of the whole five-point Likert scale was used. In order to analyze the data, descriptive and inferential methods and variables correlation factor analysis and regression analysis were used. Software used to analyze the data, Spss and has been AMOS. Based on results of questionnaire analysis, it was found that the percentage correlation between the characteristics of learners and learning organizations Bonab (schools, municipalities, organizations large and small), respectively, to the 0.43, 0.64 and 0.26, respectively. Hypothetical Results II, III and IV showed that the characteristics of learners with educational centers (schools, training centers and universities of science and large applications), and municipal organizations large and small as learning organizations in direct contact and therefore no significant there.
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