• Baghai.Shirin A study and comparison of the love of the devil and man for the God of Truth (relying on mystical works such as: Attar's theological letter and the preparations of the same judges of Hamedani) [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Batani.Ameneh Analysis and review of the narrative in "The Comprehensive Story of Attar's Tragedy with Emphasis on the Design and Plot, the Narrator" with an approach to the theory of "polyphony or polyphony" Bakhtin [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Borzoiy.Reza Survey of popular culture in Jalalieh treatise by Mohtsham Kashani [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Borzoiy.Reza An analysis of the Vahshie Bafghi Masnavis based on the narrative theory of Todorov's. [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]