The Effect of Massage with Cavitation and Green Coffee on Leptin and ATGL Enzyme in Sedentary Obese Females
Subject Areas : Biochemistry and Sport Nutrition
Samaneh Zare
Javad Ramezani
Somayeh Khosravanian
1 - Department of Sports Sciences, Payam Noor University, Yazd, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Sciences, Payam Noor University, P.O. Box, 19395-4697, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Master of Sports Nutrition, Department of Sports Sciences, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
Keywords: Massage, Cavitation, Obese Female, Green Coffee, Leptin Hormone, ATGL Enzyme,
Abstract :
The prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing in worldwide. Obesity is the root cause of many diseases, including chronic diseases such as diabetes, fatty liver, and cardiovascular diseases. Overweight and obesity is a complex process that is influenced by social, cultural, behavioral, physiological, genetic and epigenetic factors. Therefore, the aim of this research was to determine the effect of 8 weeks of massage with cavitation device and green coffee supplement consumption on leptin hormone and ATGL enzyme levels in obese women. Sixty obese women with age range (20-35 years) and average body mass index (32 kg/m2) participated voluntarily in this research. Subjects were randomly divided into equal four groups; control group, cavitation massage group, green coffee supplement group, and cavitation massage with green coffee supplement groop (N= 4*15). Green coffee capsules with a dose of 200 mg were used. Training groups were massaged with a cavitation device for eight weeks, five sessions a week and according to the massage program. At the beginning of the study, fasting blood sampling was done from all groups. The sample was centrifuged at 4000 rpm for about 20 minutes, and after, the serum was prepared, the samples were immediately frozen at -70°C until the time of testing. The leptin hormone and ATGL enzyme levels of the subjects were measured by ELISA laboratory method, and at the end of eight weeks, blood sampling was done again with the same conditions as before, and the leptin hormone and ATGL enzyme levels of the subjects were measured again. Two-way analysis of variance test at 95% confidence level were used to compare the data and investigate the effect of supplementation and massage. Based on the results of this research, 8 weeks of massage with cavitation device and green coffee supplement in all treatment groups caused a significant decrease in leptin hormone level and a significant increase in ATGL enzyme level in obese women (P<0.05). In the simultaneous intervention group, the most changes were observed in leptin hormone and ATGL enzyme levels (p=0.0001). Massage with a cavitation device and green coffee supplement each have an effect on the level of leptin hormone and ATGL enzyme, but according to the results, the intervention of these two has more effects.
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