• Rahimi.Maryam Effect of different solvents on the extraction of phytochemical compounds of Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Rahimi.Touraj Evaluation of the foliar application effect on the chemical compositions of Rosa damascene Mill. essential oil of Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari province [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Rahimifard.mahshid Investigationn of geographical location effect on yield and chemical composition of Teucrium stocksianum Boiss. essential oils which collected from 4 regions of Hormozgan province [ Vol.10, Issue 3 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Rajabzadeh.Faezeh Evaluation of the foliar application effect of salicylic acid on the morpho-physiological and phytochemical traits of the essential oil from Satureja bachtiarica Bunge. under deficit irrigation conditions [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Winter Year 1401]
  • rajabzadeh.shahram Evaluation of the foliar application effect on the chemical compositions of Rosa damascene Mill. essential oil of Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari province [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Ramak.parvin Study of morphological and physiological changes of Salvia mirzayanii under drought and nano-cerium oxide conditions [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1401]
  • rasoolzadeh.liela Evaluation of some populations of Alyssum species based on the branch and seed yield and some morphological traits [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Rasouli.Seyed Reza Rasouli Evaluation of phytochemical and antioxidant properties of Matricaria chamomilla L. essential oil with ultrasound and water distillation [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Ravari.Seyed Zabihollah Investigation of the effect of drought stress on yield and yield components ofCuminum cyminum L. ecotypes in climatic conditions of Kerman Province [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Rezadoost.Hassan Evaluation of phytochemical and antioxidant properties of Matricaria chamomilla L. essential oil with ultrasound and water distillation [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Rezadoost.Hassan Comparison content of parthenolide as an anti-migraine in Natural samples and tissue culture seedlings of some populations of Tanacetum parthenium L. [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1401]