Investigating and comparing the phytochemical of essential oil of different Teucrium persicum Boiss. ecotypes in Fars province
Subject Areas : PhytochemistryLeila Bagherpour 1 * , vahid rowshan 2 , aazam monfard 3
1 - Phytochemistry master of Science, Payam-e-Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Natural Resources, Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO,Shiraz,Iran.
3 - Department of chemistry, payamenoor university,Tehran,Iran.
Keywords: Altitude, Teucrium persicum, Valerianol, Essential oil, β-pinene, α-pinene,
Abstract :
Teucriumpersicum an Iranian endemic plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family which has traditionally been used to relieve abdominal pains, there are 12 species in Iran. The bulks aromatic plants come from wild populations whose essential oils compositions as well as their biological properties are severely affected by the geographical location Therefore, the aim of the present work is to provide more information on the variation of essential oil composition of T. persicum collected from four different geographical regions in Fars province in 2014. These areas were darab-gardanebezan, Zireh-darab, Ghir-karizin, and Zakharoyeh with, 1500, 1400, 950 and 800 meters altitudes respectively. Sampling of aerial parts (flowers and leaves) of the plant was carried out at flowering stage and dried in room temperature and the essential oil was obtained by hydro distillation using Clevenger machine.The GC / MS device was used to identify essential oils. A total of 93 combinations were identified in the essential oil of T. percicum populations, in which the number and type of compounds in the essential oils of these populations is very different. The most essential oil composition of this plant was identified in the darab-gardanebezan (68 combinations) mountain range, while the highest Essential oil yield was observed in, Zakharoyeh (0.3%). The habitat of Zireh-darab with the highest percentage of alpha pinene, beta-pinene, limonene and valerianol has high quality essential oil and is the best site for T. percicum plant in this study. Alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, E caryophylline and caryophylloin oxide were important components of essential oil in all four regions.
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