The effect of informational technology on education
Subject Areas : Educational Science
1 - هیئت علمی سازمان اسناد و کتابخانه ملی ایران
Abstract :
The quick changes of social, cultural and economical technology in today’s world have embedded the present societies with unbelievable challenges that present societies with unbelievable challenges that our country is not also an exception the twenty one century is waiting for a world which will be led by information. People have pass three main phases in the history if the world process. In the first phase, tribal and ethnical systems had an acceptable progress as the result of agricultural and farming development, the initial nucleus of civil life and social structures specially schools were formed the people who were grown up in this period and were the product of village civilization had multi-lateral behaviors. Emerging the industrial revolution, the second period preceded, machine world began, in this period, technology the science production and science become its subcategory, so science fulfilled the technology as the result , engineering beranches quickly developed and become the outstanding convoy of the technology age, school were formed as primary and high schools. This slassification was more uninersit, level, so that we can say today we have spelialist for the left leg nail of the seventh eyelid of the right eye. In the bed of the machin age, the influx of people to the cities and accumulation of the moving information was being formed which led to produeiy the computer genenation , this happening vesulted in the third period advent, the quick denelopment of communicalion and information technology has a great and full scale impact an all aspects of the society , this quick change is the main fact of the productuity and changes in systems. Getling familianty with the usage of the information technology is necessary for a better life in the futunc internet, intranet, eatranct. Electronic post, electronic learning, virtual schools and universities, informatianl teachrology useages. In this article , the focus’s is on education in the information age, electronic education and a look at the traditional and ,modern methods of teaching.