Governance, National Innovation System and the Capacity for Attraction, Coherence and Technological Innovation (Theoretical Modeling)
Subject Areas : Labor and Demographic EconomicsAli Dini 1 , Hojat Allah Hosieni 2 * , Tahere Miremadi 3 , Ghasem Ramazanpoor Nargesi 4
1 - دانشجوی دکتری سیاستگذاری علم و فناوری سازمان پژوهشهای علمی و صنعتی ایران
2 - Iranian Research Organization of Science and technology
3 - Iranian Research Organization of Science and technolgy
4 - Iranian Research Organization of Science and Technology
Keywords: G38, Governance, absorptive capacity, JEL Classification: O33, Evolutionary Institutionalism, National Innovation System, B25. Keywords: Technological Catching-up,
Abstract :
The main aim of this paper is to modleized a logical theoretical framework for the relations among governance, national innovation system and absorptive capacity, and technological catching-up. With this aim and using the analytical and deductive method or content based resoning method, relations among these factores are identified and with separating non- price factores from price variables, the model is conceptualized. The results show that 1. all of variables and factors are indigenous except the shock price policy; 2.There is an increasing circle between absorptive capacity and technological cathing-up (cumulative casualty); 3. In absence of this circle Neoclassical price polices fail in improving the technological learning and cathing-up process.
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