Evaluating the Power of Capital Deepening and the Effect of Elasticity of Substitution of Production Factors on the Employment Capacity in Iran's Manufacturing Industries.
Subject Areas : Labor and Demographic EconomicsHamid Shirazi 1 , Mohammad Sharif Karimi 2 * , Ali Falahati 3
1 - Doctoral student of economic sciences, Department of Economics, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
Keywords: ", ARDL", capacity of creating employment, capital deepening", elasticity of substitution of factors", manufacturing industry",
Abstract :
The purpose of this article is to investigate the effect of capital deepening and elasticity of substitution of production factors on the employment capacity of Iran's factories during the annual period of 1989 - 2019 .In this regard, by using the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) method and time series data, the relationship and convergence between the macro-micro variables considered in this research and the employment capacity of Iran's manufacturing sector are investigated.The results indicate a significant immediate inverse (negative) and direct (positive) delayed effect of the capital deepening factor in both periods, as well as a significant direct delayed effect of the substitution elasticity of production factors in the short-term period and a significant inverse effect of delaying changes in the substitution elasticity of production factors in the long-term period on the employment capacity of the manufacturing industry sector of Iran's economy during the mentioned years. Also, according to the error correction model (ECM), the short-term dynamic model of the employment capacity of the said sector has convergence and tendency towards the long-term equilibrium model.Keywords: capital deepening; elasticity of substitution of factors; manufacturing industry; capacity of creating employment; ARDL ;Iran.JEL Classification: C22 ، D22، E22، J23، L60
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