Identification of the damages and strategies required for the life cycle management model for the development of banking services (Case Study: Parsian Bank)
Subject Areas : Financial Economics
Samira Shafaei Yamchelou
Esmaeel Hasanpoor
Mohammadhosein Ranjbar
1 - Business Management Department, Qeshm International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran.
2 - Assistant Prof., Department of Business Administration, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm International Branch
3 - Business Management Department, Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas, Iran
Keywords: G17, Banking Services, Thematic analysis, G20, Key words: Life cycle management, Banking sector JEL classification: G21,
Abstract :
Abstract Today, Diverse and ever-changing factors have led banks to devote special efforts and attention to identifying customer needs and offering services that are compatible with their requirements. These challenges have led banks to identify various aspects of the product life cycle. In this study, by presenting the Product Lifecycle Management Model, the damages and strategies required to develop banking services at Parsian Bank were identified. In order to identify in this study, the main and sub-themes related to damages and strategies in the life cycle of banking products, the methodology of thematic analysis was used, which was applied for data collection, library study and survey methods as follows: Initially, thematic literature on the life cycle model of products and services was collected through library study, and after identifying the definitions of the life cycle, the main and secondary topics of the life cycle were identified using tools for interviewing managers and officials of reputable branches of Parsian Bank in Tehran. The results were then classified into four stages of introduction, growth, maturity and decline, and the research results led to the identification of damages in four stages of introduction (2 themes), growth (3 themes), maturity (3 themes) and decline (4 themes).) And the required life cycle strategies were introduced in four stages: Introduction (2 themes), growth (2 themes), maturity (2 themes) and of decline banking products (2 themes).
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