Identifying Safe Spots Against Earthquakes With A Passive Defense Approach In The Direction Of Sustainable Social Development (Case Study: Babol City(
Subject Areas :
Seyed Mustafa Hashemi Karoui
sadroddin motevalli
Gholamreza Janbaz Ghobadi
Jalal Azimi Amoli,
1 - Ph.D. Student in Geography and Urban Planning , Noor Branch Azadi Islamic University,Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Nour Branch, Azadi Islamic University, Iran
3 - Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Nour Branch, Azadi Islamic University, Iran
4 - Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Nour Branch, Azadi Islamic University, Iran
Keywords: Earthquake, Passive Defense, Babol city, safe spots, sustainable social development,
Abstract :
Iran is a land with a relatively high risk of earthquakes. Therefore, locating safe points against earthquakes based on spatial and non-spatial capabilities of a land is inevitable. The current research has been carried out with the aim of planning and locating safe and suitable places against earthquakes in Babol city, so that human and financial losses caused by earthquakes can be reduced as much as possible.This research is based on the practical purpose and on the basis of descriptive-analytical and field nature, the information of which has been collected using library and field methods and various tools such as data sheets, questionnaires, GPS, etc. and finally analyzed using ARC GIS software.The results of the research show that the parts of Babol city that have enough open spaces and at the same time are compatible with the uses around them, have a relatively better potential for settling the victims. By combining different layers of effective uses, the final map of optimal spaces for building urban shelters are divided into five categories from very good to very poor. Based on the findings, to determine the safest places, green spaces and parks, barren lands, schools, universities, sports fields have gained the most points for temporary accommodation.