The legitimacy of The Taliban Government : viewe point of International law
Subject Areas : Recent Developments in public law
Akbar saavari
Samaneh Rahmatifar
Shahram Zarneshan
1 - PHD student in Public International Law, Department of law, faculty of Humanities Science, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan Iran
2 - Department of law, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran
3 - Department of Law, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Good government#Islamic Emirate of Taliban#Legitimacy Crisis#recognition#Human Rights,
Abstract :
Abstract:The establishment of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan by the Taliban group in this country, despite the complete occupation of the country's territory and the domination over the people and public institutions, has created many challenges for the international community. In the new era of dominating and ruling Afghanistan (2021), this group has continued its previous methods in facing the people and neighbors, which is influenced by global public opinion and the security concerns of other governments and institutions. Internationally, it has also brought legitimacy crisis for this government. In fact, the question of what the Taliban's willingness and ability to comply with international commitments will lead to, in front of the Afghan people and the international community, has created the main question of the current research; what is the position of traditional and modern international law regarding the recognition and performance of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (Taliban government)? The research method of this survey is comparative-descriptive and the method of collecting data is library. The result of this research shows that: the components of the legitimacy of a state from the view point of modern international law, compared to the era before it, i.e. classical international law, have found obvious differences, and the international community, until Resolving human rights and humanitarian concerns, security concerns and fear of terrorist acts, recognizing people's right to self-determination and applying good governance practices and internationally well-known standards, will not recognize the Islamic government of Taliban.
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