The Position of the Approvals of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution in the Hierarchy of Legal Rules
Subject Areas : Recent Developments in public lawعابد رمضانپور بلوچی 1 * , hojjatollah ebrahimiyan 2
1 - عضو هیات علمی واحد بندر انزلی
2 - Qom Islamic Azad University
Keywords: Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, Islamic Consultative Assembly, Legislation, Constitution, Supreme Leader's Decree,
Abstract :
Observance of the law by all parts of the government is essential and action against it is unforgivable, and if this action is with the permission of government institutions, it will cause people to distrust the ruling system. The Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, which was established in 1984 by the order of Imam Khomeini to assist and consult with other three branches, especially the executive branch in cultural and academic affairs. However, in some cases, by deviating from his duties and powers, he has attempted to legislate. Therefore, the present study seeks to answer the position of the resolutions of this council in an analytical-descriptive manner and in an argumentative manner, in order to put an end to some of the existing questions and criticisms. Of course, it seems that the only legal and reasonable solution is the recognition of the council and the approval of the limits of its duties and powers by the representatives of the nation in the Islamic Consultative Assembly so that this council becomes a legal institution. Eventually, the council will be able to continue its activities as a subset of the executive branch in policy-making and the issuance of government regulations on cultural issues.
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