A comparative and native study of the theory of social control of crime with Islamic principles with emphasis on the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Subject Areas : Recent Developments in public lawsamira tajkhorasani 1 * , Gholam Hossein Masoud 2 , mohsen shekarchizadeh 3
1 - Law, Faculty of Law, Islamic Azad University of Najafabad, Najafabad Iran
2 - Law, School of Law, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad Branch, Najaf Abad, Iran
3 - Law, Faculty of Law, Najaf Abad Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, Iran
Keywords: social control of crime, Islamic principles, native, The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran,
Abstract :
Desirable indigenous humanities for Iran are sciences and methods that are the product of scientific activities based on the culture, beliefs and needs of Iranian society and are aimed at solving the problems and problems of Iranian society. Therefore, the issues should be designed locally or the ideas should be localized in a proper way and appropriate to the culture and religion of the country, so that the desired result can be obtained from them. The meaning of localizing the theory of social control of crime (Hirschi) is to benefit from the policies and measures derived from these theories in the field of crime prevention and control. The purpose of localization of this theory is to localize the theory, because the theory does not belong to one's own country and it was formed based on the problem of other countries and proceeded based on the belief and cultural foundations of that country and provided a solution, in this case it should be Let's give it a native appearance to be localized, but its essence will not change. As a result, in the localization of this theory, we should take the general frameworks and directions from Islam and place the spirit and essence of Islamic teachings as the core of human and social sciences.
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