• Mahmoodi.Maryam Literal Personality of "Orfi Shirazi" through His Poetry Works Based on the Archetype Theory [ Vol.10, Issue 38 - Winter Year 1397]
  • moazzeni.Ali Mohammad Death escaping and its manifestation in creating the personalities of the world nations (With an emphasis on the common aspects of Esfandiar, Achilles, Siegfried and Balder characters) [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Mohammadzade.Maruam Political teachings in eulogy of Sanayi poems [ Vol.10, Issue 38 - Winter Year 1397]
  • mohammadzadeh.maryam Various Types and Bynames of Paradise as Mentioned in Quran and Persian Poetry up to 8th Century (AH) [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Summer Year 1397]