Comparison of the Structure of the Anecdotes of Majnat al-Nawadir Banbani and Baharestan Jami with Emphasis on their Sources
Subject Areas : Comparative (with literary and artistic features)
Raana Javadi
Alireza Ghojezade
Zahra Soleimani
1 - Ph.D. Student of Department of Persian Language and Literature, Varamin-Pishva Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Varamin-Pishva Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Rooting, Jami, Arabic texts, Majma 'al-Nawadir, Banbani, Baharestan,
Abstract :
In Persian literature, there are many works with the titles of " Majma 'al -Qasas", " Majma 'al-Nawadir "and so on. Valuable and influential works that, along with popularity and acceptance, have played a significant role in the formation and consolidation of stories and storytelling in Persian literature. Among the anecdotes of these books, there are less anecdotes created by the author himself, perhaps most of the authors took the anecdotes from previous sources or the works of his contemporaries and translated them according to the desired theme with artistic ability and in accordance with the common style of his time.Majma 'al-Nawadir is a collection of anecdotes, narrations and parables written by Faizullah ibn Zayn al-Abidin ibn Hussam Banbani, known as Sadr Jahan (d. 907 AH) during the reign of Mahmud Shah Bigara (863-917 AH). In this work, Banbani has used his contemporary or previous sources. One of these sources is Baharestan Jami (with 28 common anecdotes and narrations). The main source of these anecdotes in Arabic and Persian texts was also found in the previous studies of these two authors. Such as books of nathr aldur fi almuhazarati, Tazkerat al-Hamduniyah, muhazarat al'udaba'. Persian sources have a smaller share of this frequency. Despite the commonalities of these two works, Banbani did not pay attention to brevity and Jami to simplification. There are many differences in the expression of the concept of anecdotes.
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المفضل (1420 ق) محاضرات الأدباء و محاورات الشعراء و البلغاء، بیروت: شرکة دار الأرقم بن أبی الأرقم. زاکانی، عبید (۱۳۴۳) کلیات، به کوشش عباس اقبال آشتیانی، پرویز اتابکی، تهران: زوّار. زمخشری. ابوالقاسم محمود بن عمر (1412ق) ربیعالأبرار و نصوصالأخیار، محقّق و مصحح عبد الأمیرمهنا، 5 جلد، بیروت: مؤسسۀ الأعلمی للمطبوعات. سنایی، مجدود (1368) حدیقهالحقیقه، مصحح مدرس رضوی، تهران: مؤسسه انتشارات و چاپ دانشگاه تهران. شجاع (بیتا) انیسالناس، به کوشش ایرج افشار، تهران: بنگاه ترجمه و نشر کتاب. شیرازی، قطبالدین (1386) درةالتّاج، به اهتمام ماهدختبانو همایی، تهـران: شـرکت انتـشارات علمی و فرهنگی. صدیقی، اقتدار حسین (1988م) تاریخ محمود شاهی، علیگره: شعبه تاریخ مسلم یونیورسیتی. الصفدی، صلاح الدین خلیل بن أیبک (1420ق) الوافی بالوفیات، بیروت: دارإحیاء التراث السعادة و الاسعاد. طرطوشی، أبو بکر محمد بن محمد ابن الولید الفهری (1289ق) سراج الملوک، مـصر: مـن أوائل المطبوعات العربیة لبیان والتبیین. طوسی، خواجه نظامالملک (1386) سیاستنامه، مصحح عزیزالله علیزاده، تهران: فردوس. عامری، ابوالحسن محمد بن یوسف (1336) 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