The Evental Dialectics of the Subject-Artist and Art in Julian Barnes’ “The Noise of Time” and Bozorge Alavai’s “Cheshmhayash (Her Eyes)”
Subject Areas : Comparative (with literary and artistic features)
Masoumeh Bakhtiari
Leila Baradaran Jamili
Bahman Zaarinjooee
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of English Language and Literature, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Borujard Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujard, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Borujard Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujard, Iran.
Keywords: Dialectics, fidelity, art as truth generator, subjectivisation, Truth, Rupture, conditions, event,
Abstract :
The present research seeks to demonstrate that Julian Barnes in his “The Noise of Time” (2016) and Bozorge Alavi in “Her Eyes” (1998) have devoted meticulous attention to the emancipatory function of art as a truth generator. Both novelists, obsessed with the socio-political concerns in their writings, represent the confrontation between the subject and subjugation. The key claim is that these novelists deem militant art as one of the pivotal modes of disagreement with power wherein the subject-artist recognises the evental significance of art via a rupture and in his dialectics of subjectivisation manifests fidelity to this event through and through. Dimitri Shostakovich, the protagonist of “The Noise of Time”, preserves his personal and artistic integrity in struggle with Stalinist power despite the fact that some label him as a traitor. The master painter Makan, the hero of the novel “Her Eyes”, portrays the sufferings of the afflicted peasants oppressed by tyranny and injustice in his art gallery, and ultimately death terminates his militant life in exile. The theoretical basis of this comparative research is interdisciplinary, within a post-Marxist reading, and employs Alain Badiou’s core concepts including conditions, art as truth generator, dialectics, rupture, subject and subjectivisation, and the event.
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منابع لاتین
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Latin References
Antakyalioglu, Zekiye. (2018). Julian Barnes' The Noise of Time as a Narrative of Trauma. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (33), 382-386.
Badiou, Alain (1998) Handbook of Inaesthetics. Translated by Alberto Toscano, California: Stanford University Press.
Badiou, Alain (2005) Infinite Thought: Truth and the Return to Philosophy. Translated by Feltham, Oliver, and Justin Clemens. London: Contiuum.
Badiou, Alain (2008) Conditions, Translated by Steven Corcoran, London: Continuum.
Badiou, Alain (2009) Metapolitics, Translated by Jason Barker, London: Continuum.
Badiou, Alain (2010) “Does the Notion of Activist Art Still Have Meaning?” Anonymous Comrade - November 19, http://interactivist. autonomedia. org/node/ 13795.
Badiou, Alain (2012) Philosophy for Militants, Translated with a foreword by Bruno Bosteels, London: Verso.
Barnes, Julian (2011) The Sense of an Ending, London: Vintage.
Barnes, Julian (2016) The Noise of Time, London: Vintage.
Barnes, Julian (2017) “The FULL INTERVIEW” - BBC Newsnight, 7 Feb.
Corcoran, Steven (2015) Ed. The Badiou Dictionary, London: Edinburgh University.
During, Elie. (2010). “Art.” Alain Badiou: Key Concepts. Edited by A. J. Bartlett and Justin Clemens. Durham: Acumen, 82-93.
Figes, Orlando (2002) Natasha’s Dance: A Cultural History of Russia, London: Allen Lane.
Jones, Alex (2016) A Review of The Noise of Time, Philament 22: Precarity University of Sydney.
Kirpikli, Deniz. (2020). Irony and (Dis) Obedience to Authority in Julian Barnes’s The Noise of Time. Cankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 14(2), 263-276.
Mandelstam, Osip (1986) The Noise of Time: The Prose of Osip Mandelstam, Translated by Clarence Brown, Berkley: North point press. “Muddle instead of Music” (1936) 28 January, Pravda. http: //www. Arnold schalks. nl/00c. html.
Voelker, Jan (2015) “Affirmationism”, Badiou Dictionary, Edited by Steven Corcoran, London: Edinburgh University.
Zizek, Slovay (2008) “Shostakovich in Casablanka”, March. https: //www. lacan. com/zizcasablanca. Htm.