Educational Function of the Myth of Fereydon and Zahak Based on Glasser’s choice Theory
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature textsAnahita Amini 1 , Ghadam ali Sarrami 2 *
1 - PhD Student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran.
Keywords: Need, Power, Fereydoun, choice theory, Zahhak,
Abstract :
This analytical-descriptive study aimed to determine the behavioral pattern of two prominent characters in the story of Fereydoun and Zahhak after clarifying the relationship between basic human needs and the process of developing myths while relying on the educational function of myths and Glasser’s choice theory. The scale for the real world and the favorable world is in the context of ancient Iranian thought and epic characteristics, which can be recited by a narrator. Zahhak is the pattern of characters who have ineffective and irresponsible behavior to balance the images of the favorable world and what they perceive. Accepting the killing of his father and then self-indulgence and self-praise of Zahhak are two back wheels of emotion and physiology in behavior machine. Therefore, he has received a saddening message and his cycle of behavior continues for supplying the need for power. In addition, he is deprived of a meaningful and emotional relationship. On the other hand, Fereydoun is the pattern of characters who have more effective and responsible behavior after receiving a saddening message while maintaining its meaningful and emotional relationship with others to meet his need for power with the help of others. Moreover, his behavior is the domination of two front wheels (i.e., thought and action) over the other two components .The comparison and conflict of the perceptual world, the favorable world and choosing the behavior of these two while considering four cognitive, interpersonal, personal and emotional realms determine the ability of the educational role of the story.
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Latin References
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Eliade. Mircea (1963) Myth and Reality, New York : Harper& Row.
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