Study and comparison of pleasure and happiness in the view of Ibn Sina, Hafez, Rumi
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature texts
Masoud Partoynejad Fomani
Mohammad Reza Shad Mannamen
alireza nikouei
1 - PhD Student Department of Persian Language and Literature, Lyrical Literature, Khalkhal Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khalkhal, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor Department of Persian Language and Literature, Khalkhal Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khalkhal, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.
Keywords: Rumi, pleasure, Ibn Sina, Hafez, happiness,
Abstract :
In this article we intend to bring joy and happiness form the perspective of the eighth method of references and punishments of ibn sina the great scientist of Islamic iran and the world ( science- philosophy and logic- medicine and wisdom) with the poems of rumi the great poet of iran and the world lets examine and compare him as a mystic and thoughtful scholar in Islamic thought and hafez the great lyric poet of the eighth century. Given the importance of the issue and the influence of all three nobles in the discussion of Islamic science philosophy and mysticism research in this regard is essential. Assuming that ibn sina mystical language in the eighth method is significantly similar to rumi language in divan shams and masnavi and hafez lyric poems in his divan we answer the important question of how rumi and hafez language in their poems with ibn sina about pleasure and happiness? We came to this conclusion by bringing documents form the eighth method of ibn sina allusions and punishments and rumi poems in divan shams and masnavi and lyric poems form hafez divan rumi poems are mentioned in two great works and hafez lyric poems have significant similarities with the concepts of the eighth method of allusions and punishments about pleasure and happiness and its synonyms.
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