Investigation of modernity and thoughts of Attar and Molavi
Subject Areas : Comparative (with literary and artistic features)Hamid Reza Dibaeikho 1 , Amir Esmail Azar 2 * , Maryam Barzegar 3
1 - PhD student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Modernity, Attar, Molavi, Inside (self), Outside, Tradition,
Abstract :
In the 14th century, Europe left the Middle Ages behind and based its life on human wisdom and empiricism. This process was called humanism. This thought went through four periods of renaissance, religious reformation or Lutherism, enlightenment and industrial revolution until it became modernity or modernity at the end of the 19th century. Throughout life, human beings move towards excellence in two directions, one is intellect and experiences, and the other is culture and spirituality. But modernity moved in one direction and was weak in spirituality, for this reason, the glory of the divine caliphate of man was reduced. Contemporary man became very weak and depressed despite many advances in the field of industry. Modernity separated man from inside himself and turned him outside. While our literary tradition and mystics such as Attar and Molavi tried to bring man back to God's nature and return to himself. It seems that many of the disorders in the world today are placed in this conflict. The purpose of the article is to find the ways of affinity between these two ideas (the idea of modernity and the thinking of Attar and Molavi), which was done in a descriptive-analytical way and in a library style. The results show that modernity brought to man emptiness, loneliness, confusion, cutting from inside himself and seeking happiness outside himself. In Elahi Nameh, Attar considers the wishes of six king's sons as material (external) wishes: (in search of fairies, witchcraft, jam, water of life, Solomon's ring, alchemy). While he believes that the center of gravity of a person's desires is inside him. Molavi's thought also goes back to the "inside" of man. According to Rumi, soul and interior have the same concept in many cases. Rumi finds the whole being of man in his inside.
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