Survey of BahaeValad’s approach in interpretation of Quran
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature texts
Saeed Farzaneh Fard
Ali ramazani
Narges Asghari Govar
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Sarab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sarab, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahar, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahar, Iran.
Keywords: Bahaevalad, BahaeValad’s wisdom, Quran, interpretive approach,
Abstract :
Souphiyan’s Poetic and prose writings can be divided to two kinds based on cognition: personal and Intuitivecognition,organized and official cognition. In some of soufiye’s works this kind of cognitions have been reviewed. Sometimes their beliefs were based on intellect and were from official texts and the purposeof that publication was to clarify meaning,fixation and teachings of traditionsand Souphiyan’s etiquette and is the result of their contractual knowledge; but sometimes their beliefs are resulted from inner experience and personal perceives and meaning in that case is unclear and ambiguous and the purpose of that kind of publication was to expressintuitive experiences and inner and personal perceivesin ecstasy and passionate moments. One of the proses of Soufiyane’s that defines this kind of emotions wonderfully is BahaeValad’s book that the writer has been focused on expressing thoughts, dreams and his inner forms in climax of his moments ofemotional thrills. Domination of metaphorical language and ambiguity and interpretation and distribution of meaning is apparent all over his book. Interpretation that BahaeValad has from the Quran in his book is very new and fresh. Writer in this article is seeking tohave a discussion about BahaeValad’s approach in interpretation of Quran.
کتاب ها
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