The Stylistic study of the poems of Azhari Shirazi’s Resaleh- ye Kamal (Treatise of maturity)
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature texts
Fariba Chini
Fateme Sadat Taheri
Abdorreza Modarreszade
1 - PhD Student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Kashan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kashan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Kashan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kashan, Iran.
Keywords: Azhari-e Shirazi, Literary and Intellectual Features, Resale- ye Kamal (Treatise of Maturity), linguistic, Stylistic Study,
Abstract :
The present article studies the style of poems of Budagh Azhari Shirazi (B. 991 A.H.), who is an unknown poet of the Safavid era. Azharis’ collection of poems, which he called the treatise of Kamal, has about eleven thousand verses; but it has not been published yet. Our knowledge of him is limited to what can be deduced from his poems. The author with a descriptive-analytical approach tries answer these questions: which of the poetic styles does Azhari followed in his poems and what are the characteristics of his poems in three levels of language, literature and thought? She tries to prove that the poet tends to Khorasani poetry in linguistic features, and the literary aspects of his poems reflect the poetic features of the Iraqi style. Azhari has paid special attention to Khaghani and Anvari poems. Praise and eulogy, virtual love and sometimes Voqugui and Vasukhti, description of the beloved, lampoon, satire, and Saghinameh are the main themes of Azhari’s poetry. The use of ancient words, the ancient form words, Arabic words and phrases, composition, ancient grammatical rules, the use of compound simile, preferential simile, implicit simile and implicit metaphors, that more of them are personification, and imagery, allusion, phantastic etiology, oxymoron, congerise and palilogy are some of the remarkable features of his style, thus the author that corrected the Azhari’s collection of poems tries to explain the stylistic features of his poet and help to know his impression in Persian poetry for the first time.
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