Comparison of Tabaghat and Tazkirah Books and The Possibility of Considering Them As Two Genres
Subject Areas : Stylistics (with literary and artistic features)Asghar Mozaffari 1 , Ali Mohammadi Asiabadi 2 * , Ahmad Amin 3
1 - PhD student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran.
Keywords: Tabaghat, Tazkirah, Genre, Gnomon, Tazkirat al-awlia, Tabaghat al-sufie.,
Abstract :
Genre or literary type is defined by patterns, forms, styles and structures that go beyond the framework of individual works of art and affect the reading of the audience. For the first time in ancient Rome and Greece, literary types were divided into three types; But today most researchers believe that more types can be found in the literature of any culture. This article examines two types of biographies, Tabaghat and Tazkirah, and the possibility of whether they can be referred to as genres. The result of this study, which has been done by descriptive and analytical methods, shows that Considering the differences that can be seen in the form, motivation of writing, aspect, possible audience, function and purpose of the works of Tabaghat and Tazkirah, it can be said that they are two different genres. Thus, reducing the number of types to a limited number and not studying them in detail causes the essence of literary types in the works to not be properly understood. Also, the works of Tabaghat have been created in the first centuries of Islam according to the requirements of the time. Since then, Tazkirah books have become popular and the writing of works in this genre is still going on in different ways and in different regions.
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