The stylistic feature of Nasser Khosro's poetry regarding the role of increasing prosodic weight in linguistic highlights
Subject Areas : Stylistics (with literary and artistic features)
Hossein Abdi
Ayoob Moradi
Ali Asghar Bund Shahriari
1 - 1- Ph.D. student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department of Payam Noor University
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Iran
Keywords: Nasser Khosro, art of prosody, language accentuation, stylistics, Persian language.,
Abstract :
In Nasser Khosrow's poetry, we can see the norms of evasions at different levels of language, each of them has made his literary language stand out. Two types of this linguistic accentuation, namely the lexical straw base and the syntactic straw base, which have a higher frequency of occurrence, have been created through the addition of prosodic weight. Some researchers have considered the advantage of literary language over automatic language in highlighting or foregrounding and placed the types of language highlighting in two groups: rule-enhancing and rule-deprivation. Adding rules means adding rules to automatic language, and it has mostly a musical aspect, and weight and rhyme are its main tools. The straw rule or norm avoidance means reducing the normal rules of the language and it has different types. Layered stylistics is a new method in the field of literary criticism that analyzes different layers of a literary work. This research, which was carried out in the descriptive-analytical way and the tool of library information collection, has investigated and analyzed the poems of Nasser Khosrow. The result of the research shows that the addition of prosodic weight has a significant effect on the linguistic prominence of his poetry. This highlighting has occurred in the phonetic layer by removing, reducing, increasing and changing the quantity in the phonemes. In the syntactic layer, different types of shifting of the sentence elements, the floating of the connected pronoun and its addition to the types of words can be seen. The result of the research shows that the addition of prosodic weight in Nasser Khosrow's poetry is the factor of sometimes phonetic and syntactical rules, and these two types of rules are considered to be stylistic features of this poet.
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