The Coded Concepts of Fighting Cities in the Resistance Poetry of Mohammad Darvish
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
1 - Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Velayat University, Iranshahr, Iran
Keywords: بابل, Babol, یّة المکان, کنعان, قدس, هیروشیما, Place cryptography, Canaan, Qods, Hiroshima,
Abstract :
The code in all its forms is one of the most important elements in the artistic structure and aesthetics of Arabic contemporary poetry. Reflecting on cryptography, we see that it has been interpreted several times and it is rooted in the literature more than ever. It has cast a heavy shadow of semantics on the language of contemporary poetry and its use has been a common feature of most contemporary poets in a way that they have indulged to use it to express their special experiences and feelings in various ways. From this point of view, Mahmoud Darvish's poetry in his recent divans has been distinguished due to the numerous, deep and inspiring use of various place codes, especially cities; In a way that the value of his poetry in terms of the level of innovation has reached the basis of the greatest poetic works of the twentieth century. This article examines the urban codes in the poetry of Mahmoud Darvish and examines the quality of its use and aesthetics through contemplation on the words and symbolic references. Our method in this research is inductive and descriptive-analytical and based on examining the text and extracting important urban codes in his divans, and based on the nature of the text in terms of its special development and artistic and aesthetic abilities.
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