• Ma’az Elahi.Parvaneh Comparative examination of allegory in English and Persian: a case study of the books “Mantiq al-Teir” by Attar and “The Pilgrim’s Progress” by John Bunyan [ Vol.3, Issue 11 - Autumn Year 1388]
  • Maleki.Naser Objective commonality in some of Keats’ poetries and Sepehri [ Vol.3, Issue 9 - Spring Year 1388]
  • Mashayekhi.Mansooreh The connection between wisdom and happiness inShahName by Ferdowsi and its comparison with the poetry of some Persian and Arab poets [ Vol.3, Issue 11 - Autumn Year 1388]
  • Mirza Mohammad.Alireza The reflection of Quran instances in Divan of Feyz poetry [ Vol.3, Issue 9 - Spring Year 1388]
  • Momtahen.Mehdi Comparative Analysis of “Armance” by Stendhaland “Tom Jones” by Henry Fielding Based on the Freud’s Theories [ Vol.3, Issue 12 - Winter Year 1388]
  • Momtahen.Mehdi Comparison of Nationalism in the Nationalistic Poetry of A ref Qazvini and Ibrahim Touqan, the Palestinian National Poet [ Vol.3, Issue 10 - Summer Year 1388]
  • Momtahen.Mehdi A comparative review of political approaches in the Complete Works of AbulGhasem Al-Shabi and Poetical Works of Iqbal Lahouri [ Vol.3, Issue 11 - Autumn Year 1388]