Comparison of Leili and Majnoon of Nezami with Leili and Majnoon in the Divan of Qais Ibn Molawah
Subject Areas : شعر
Massoud Pakdel
Mandana Alimi
Hedye Khanafereh
1 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz Branch
2 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr Branch
3 - PhD Candidate in Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz Branch
Keywords: Iran, فرهنگ, ایران, culture, جامعه, society, اعراب, Arabs, Comparative Analysis, تحلیل تطبیقی,
Abstract :
The story of Leili and Majnoon is originally one of the old stories of nomads of the land of Najd in the Arabian Peninsula, which was narrated by Abolfaraj Isfahani in "Al-Aghani" by providing a document. The most famous story of the poem Leili and Majnoon in Persian is the military poem of Ganjavi. In this article, the environment and its influence on the two poets, Nezami and Qais Ibn Molawah, are analyzed in the composition of their poems, the characters of both stories are matched and differences and commonalities are represented. It seems that despite the fact that Nezami has used many of the themes in the Divan of Qais Ibn Molawah, but he has made very beautiful modifications in the story by using the taste and art of poetry, so that he has succeeded in building a school in love to be compatible with taste of many readers and Leili and Majnoon causes world popularity of this story. The story of Leili and Majnoon is not just a failed love story, but it is the image of a closed society doomed to the brutal domination of the traditions and dry laws of the tribe. Throughout the story, Nezami shows that it must obey the law of God, I,e morality and chastity, and, contrary to the Arabic narrations, Leili has been preferred in the image of story.
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