Adopting the views of Movlavi and Iqbal Lahouri on the issue of the stages of realization of a perfect human being
Subject Areas : شعر
mohamad bandani
Farajullah Barati
Goodarz Shateri
1 -
2 - Assistant Professor of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz Branch
3 - Assistant Professor of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz Branch
Keywords: انسان, مولانا, Utopia, Man, اقبال لاهوری, مدینه فاضله, Movlana, Iqbal Lahori,
Abstract :
There are similarities between the poems of Movlavi and Iqbal Lahori that caused these two great poets to be close to each other. The main question in this article is what is the position of human beings from the point of view of Movlavi and Iqbal Lahouri? Examining the poems of these two poets and comparing them in relation to man and its content shows that Movlavi and Iqbal Lahori believe that in the hierarchy of existence, man has entered the world as the last stage of existence, or in other words, it is late in time. But it is considered as the main and ultimate cause of creation and it is considered as the summary of all creatures. Among the commonalities of the views of Movlana and Iqbal Lahori, it is necessary to point out their view of man as a two-dimensional and hierarchical being, the end of the creation of the perfect man, and the superiority of man over other beings. The results indicate that Iqbal Lahouri, in addition to the similarity of his attitude towards Movlana, pays attention to human educational philosophy.
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