Conceptual Structure of Nature's Frequecies in Damghani and Molana's Poetries
Subject Areas : شعرShohreh Chalipa 1 , Habib Allah Jadid Al Islam 2 * , Ahmad Reza Kikhai Farzaneh 3
1 - Faculty of Persian language & Literature, Zahedan University of Applied Science and Technology
2 - Faculty of Persian language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan Branch
3 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan Branch, Sistan and Baluchestan, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran
Keywords: طبیعت, تخیل, مولانا, imagery, nature, تصویرگری, Molana, منوچهری, fantasy, Damghani,
Abstract :
Knowing frequencies of naturalism in Damghani and Molana's poetries may pave the way for better knowing of conceptual structure of imagery in their poetries. Manouchehri's attractions and creating attraction in describing nature's elements is unique undoubtedly. Shafiei Kadkani calls him as the gretest poet in Persian literature history in depicting nature's emotional and phenomenal aspect. Molana is also knowledge professional and a combination of worldly and unworldly imagery from nature and its elements can be seen. The keystone of the present research is to compare normal and meaningful elements of nature by Damghani and Molana
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