Comparative Study of "Abu Muslim Nameh" by Abu Tahre al-Tarsusi and Abu Muslim al – Khorasani by Jurji Zaydan
Subject Areas : شعر
Asgar Babazadeh Aqdam
Hossein Tak Tabar Firouzjaei
1 - Faculty Member, Holy Quran Sciences University
2 - Faculty Member, Literature Faculty, Qom University
Keywords: Comparative literature, ادبیات تطبیقی, عناصر داستانی, ابومسلم الخراسانی, مقایسه ساختاری, جرجی زیدان, ابوطاهر طرسوسی, Abu Muslim Khorasani, structural comparison, Jurji Zaydan, Abu Taher Tarsusi, fictional elements,
Abstract :
Narration and recounting about Abu Muslim Khorasani and his uprising have always been the literati and historians and each described it according to their own understanding and attitude. Amongst all two Arabic and Persian literati – Jurji Zaydan and Abu Taher Tarsusi have studied Abu Muslim issue with a special attitude and offered various concepts as well as contradict ones. According to his status, the present paper intends to compare the structure and the content of Abu Muslim Khorasani and Abu Muslim Nameh's stories. The results show that there is no evidence of effect and affect between two stories. The real character of Abu Muslim has been distorted somehow in both works; Zeaydan has been more successful in considering the form and content both rather than Tarsusi.
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