Convergences and divergences of Heidegger's Carbone and Fardid reading
Subject Areas : شعرJalal Sobhanifard 1 , Aziz Javanpour Heravi 2 * , Reza Nasiri Hamed 3
1 - PhD student in Political Science, Azad University, Tabriz Branch
2 - Associate Professor, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Institute of History and Culture of Iran, University of Tabriz
Keywords: metaphysics, Hermeneutics, thought, phenomenology, Existence,
Abstract :
Martin Heidegger, the influential twentieth century's philosopher in Iran has had a considerable success. Seyyed Ahmad Fardid was one of the first thinkers in Iran to pay attention to Heidegger's thought. At the same time, Henry Carbone, one of the most important contemporary thinkers, who was also a commentator and translator of Heidegger's works, read the philosophical and theological heritage of ancient Iran, inspired by Heidegger's insights. Alignment and synchronicity, as well as differences between the two cases of the influence of Heidegger's thought, are the subject of the present article. Considering the approach of the two to Heidegger's legacy and the attempt to apply it to the issues of Iranian thought shows that both Fardid and Carbone have entered into discussions with Heidegger from the point of view of expert thinkers and have expanded their intellectual position.
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