Designing a Model of Consumer Reaction to Negative Brand Events in the clothing Industry
Subject Areas : Behavioral Studies in Managementleila Andervazh 1 * , solmaz sadrjahani 2
1 - Department of business management, khorramshahr international branch, islamic azad univedsity, khorramshar, iran
2 - Graduate, Department of Business Management, Emirates Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dubai, UAE
Keywords: consume brand response, , negative brand events,
Abstract :
Today, there are mistakes made and negative events by brands everywhere that may cause consumer backlash. The current research was conducted with the aim of designing a model of consumer reaction to negative brand events. This research is a type of mixed research. The qualitative part was carried out by the interview tool and the Foundation's data method. The statistical population in this section includes scientific experts (university professors) and experimental experts (managers of clothing brands in Iran), 10 of whom were selected as a sample through judgmental sampling and theoretical saturation. Quantitative part was done by questionnaire tool and PLS structural equation method. The statistical population in the quantitative part is the managers and experts of clothing brands in Iran, who were selected as a statistical sample by the Cochran formula. According to the results of the qualitative part, finally, 5 main networks, 19 main components and 60 sub-components for consumer reaction to negative brand events were identified through interview analysis. Based on the results of the quantitative part, causal conditions with a factor load of 0.684 have an effect on the central phenomenon. The central phenomenon, contextual conditions, and intervening conditions are effective on strategies with factor loadings of 0.302, 0.341, and 0.415, respectively, and strategies are effective on outcomes with factor loadings of 0.550. Therefore, when consumers feel dissatisfied with a brand, they avoid the brand and make negative advertisements against the brand in virtual space or by word of mouth.
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