• tabaiezadeh fesharaki.hemid The role of intellectual property,ruled and agreements in Iranian FDI attraction, with a focus on technology transfer [ Vol.16, Issue 61 - Spring Year 1403]
  • talebian.Gholamreza Designing a model to explain the contagion effect of risk in the credit portfolio of a bank with a dynamic conditional correlation approach [ Vol.16, Issue 63 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • tamjid yamchlo.alireza Presentation of an Import Risk Management Model in the Customs of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Its Role in Businesses [ Vol.16, Issue 64 - Winter Year 1403]
  • toorani.heidar Investigating the effect of effective factors on the improvement of the quality of electronic services of public service organizations with the structural equation approach (the case study of the Social Security Organization) [ Vol.16, Issue 64 - Winter Year 1403]