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    Iranian Journal of Plant & Biotechnology ( Scientific )
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    Welcome to the website of the Iranian Journal of Plant and Biotechnology


    The Iranian Journal of Plant and Biotechnology is published under the auspices of Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch, and has been recognized with a Scientific-Research rank according to letter number 87/62687 dated May 29, 2007, from the Commission for the Evaluation of Scientific Journals of Islamic Azad University. Therefore, professors, researchers, experts and students are invited to submit their articles electronically through this website, adhering to the guidelines set in the Author Guidelines section


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    Graduate students should first confirm the regulations of their respective universities. Additionally, for the publication of a paper derived from a thesis currently under defense, the author's names must be listed in the following order: the student's name, the supervising professor (corresponding author) and the advisory professor


     M.Sc. and Ph.D. students may utilize the publication of articles in this journal as a means to gain credits for their defense


     Please note that publication in this journal is free of charge


     The Iranian Journal of Plant and Biotechnology adheres to the regulations regarding open access to scientific journal content


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    Garmsar, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch, Research building, 4 floor
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    Indexed in


    Number of Volumes 12
    Number of Issues 39
    Printed Articles 246
    Number of Authors 472
    Article Views 55994
    Article Downloads 14399
    Number of Submitted Articles 316
    Number of Rejected Articles 55
    Number of Accepted Articles 257
    Acceptance 75 %
    Time to Accept(day) 98
    Reviewer Count 11
    Last Update 2025-3-06