The study of esp gene involved in biofilm formation of Enterococcus faecalis
Subject Areas : Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology journal
Keywords: Biofilm, urinary infection, Entrococcus faecalis, esp gene,
Abstract :
Background: Entrococcus faecalis is one of the common pathogens in urinary tract infection which causedisease with the means of biofilm formation. esp gene which codes one of the surface protein of this bacterium,is an important factor in attachment and biofilm formation. In this study the existence of esp in biofilm formationof E. faecalis isolated from urinary catheter was investigatedMaterial and Methodes: In this study 65sample of urinary catheter were gathered from some hospitals ofTehran. Isolation, purification and recognition of E.faecalis were done by routine biochemical tests. Toinvestigate biofilm production of bacteria, microtiter plate was used. The existence of esp gene was studied bythe use of specific primer and PCR method.Results: In this study 30 E. faecalis were isolated out of which , 13/04%,, 21/73%, and 65/21 %, respectively,had, week, moderated and strong power for attaching and biofilm formation. 26 of samples contained esp gene.Conclusion: Results showed that, one of the effective gene in attachment and biofilm formation of E. Faecalis isesp and one of the possible way to control the disease coursed by this bacterium, may be prevention of bifilmbiofilm formation by esp gene inhibition.