Micromorphological studies fruit and anatomical stem of Heterocaryum (Boraginaceae) in Iran
Subject Areas : Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology journal
Keywords: micromorphological, anatomical characteristics,
Abstract :
The genus Heterocaryum belongs to tribe Eritrichieae, family Boraginaceae. This genus has a wide diversity inmorphology specially in fruit and flower characteristics. Because of difficulties in the identification, the exactextent between Heterocaryum species is not clear. The purpose of this research is to study somemicromorphological and anatomical characteristics of Heterocaryum species in Iran. For this reason, fruitmicromorphological and stem anatomical features of 5 species of Heterocaryum were studied usingstereomicroscope. Also, the ornamentation of fruit surface were studied using Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM). The results show that H.laevigatum is located in a cluster far from 4 other species. H. subsessile andH.macrocarpum are located in a cluster and are more related to each other. H.rigidum is also located near thesetwo. Finally H.szovitsianum is located far from these species because of differences in some anatomicalcharacteristics of stem.