Study Viability of Bacillus coagulans in cotton candy and sugar free cotton candy
Subject Areas : Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology journal
Keywords: Probiotic, Isomalt, Bacillus coagulan, Gaz,
Abstract :
Back ground: Gaz is one of the Iranian traditional candy that is very popular among all ages. However itsconsumption is limited for obese and diabetic patients due to its high energy and sucrose contents. Due to thisstudy sucrose was replaced by low digestible Carbohydrates in order to decrease energy content and glycemicindex and also to prevent tooth decay. Probiotics are live microorganisms which have beneficial effects onhuman health through restoring the composition of the gut microbiome. Fortification of Gaz with probioticbacteria is also desirable from a nutritional perspective and can be considered as functional food.Objective: The purpose of this study was investigating the viability of Bacillus coagulans in sugar free andtraditional Gaz and comparing each other.Material and method: In this study Bacillus coagulans, that was prepared by Tak Gen Company, added to Gazdough and was used in both traditional and sugar free Gaz that was prepared respectively from sugar syrup andIsomalt syrup. The kinetics of Bacillus coagulans’s growth was investigated using the conventional plate-countmethod with MRS Agar media during four months.Result: The maximum count of Bacillus coagulans was 106 cfu/gr which occurred at both traditional and sugarfree Gaz. The results of keeping both Gaz samples in (25c) exactly after preparation showed 5.3x106cfu/gr and7.1x106cfu/gr respectively for sugar free Gaz and traditional one.Conclusion: These results have shown that probiotic bacteria have long stability in both sample of Gaz with106cuf /g. But sugar free cotton candy which contains Isomalt as prebiotic is considered as more appropriatesource for probiotic.