Study of Presence of Methanoges in Sea Water
Subject Areas : Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology journal
Keywords: Salinity, Methanogens, Marine water,
Abstract :
Methanogens are a group of strict anaerobe archea which are able to live in diverse ecosystems. One of theniches which attracts scientists to study about is marine environments with high salinity.In this study indigenous methanogens of Persian Gulf was investigated. Sampling was done in screw door bottlesand incubation was done in crimp silled serum bottle under anaerobic condition of CO2 and H2. Themethanogenesis was detected through methan production by gas chromatography and bacterial growth by usingfluorescent microscopy.Gas chromatograms analysis revealed the presence of indigenous methanogens in Iranian salty marine water. Itwas also revealed that the amount of gas production lied on the composition of their medium culture. Whereasthe methanogenesis was remarkably higher in the medium prepared by synthetic sea water than the ones withdistilled water and this evident the sea water methanogens requirement to the marine salts including NaCl,MgCl2, KCl, MgSO4. Among all NaCl requirement was studied to indicate the halophilic nature of sea residentmethanogens. These organisms were able to tolerate a high range of salinity and there was a direct relationbetween the number and size of the organisms with the amount of salinity