A Narrow Research in the Spiritual Rhetoric Arrays in Mirza Mohsen Ta'sir Tabrizi Diwan
Subject Areas :
Abstract Articles
Raziyeh Aghazadeh
1 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Khoy Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khoy, Iran.
Received: 2020-03-08
Accepted : 2020-07-04
Published : 2021-02-19
Keywords: Ta'sir Tabrizi,
spiritual rhetorics,
Diwan of poetry,
Abstract :
From the aesthetic point of view, the rhetorics is a science by which the beauty of the word is revealed and it is a collection of the crafts which more or less converts the ordinary words to literary ones. One of the basic elements of the poetry, especially in the Indian Style, in addition to narrow types of imagery, is the arrays used in the poetry of this period of time. Mirza Mohsen Ta'sir Tabrizi is of the poets who followed Saeb Tabrizi's school. He has taken great advantage by using eloquent language and innovative arrays which included verbal and spiritual skills in expressing his thoughts and tenets. In this research which has been done in descriptive-analytic method, Ta'sir Tabrizi's Diwas has been investigated from spiritual rhetorics and its significant points have been distinguished. Mystics' agnosticism, the manner of equity, paradox, the order of numbers, the true way of speech, comparison, using parallel words. Among the above-mentioned items: the abstraction, manner of equity, the true way of speech and allusion are of higher frequency.
فهرست منابع و مآخذ
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