The Artistic Quality of Rhetorical Structures in the Newly Found Work from Fathollah Aref
Subject Areas : Abstract ArticlesMohammad Reza Amir Khani Dehbalaee 1 , Ahmad Reza Yalameha 2 *
1 - PhD student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran.
2 - ادProfessor of Persian Language and Literature, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan-Iran.
Keywords: rhetoric, rhetorical criticism, Keywords: The Soleimani Shahnameh, Fathollah Aref, .exquisite,
Abstract :
Abstract The subject of this research is to study and evaluate the application of crafts of rhetorics and their criticism in the newly found work from Fathollah Aref, the poet of the 10th century and the composer of The Shahnameh in the court of Soleiman Ghanuni. One of the specifications that distinguishes one literary work from the other is the kind of its utility from its rhetoric structure which are illustrated by the writer in different ways. Regarding the epic genre of this poetry, Aref tries to create his poetry in higher or the same rank of the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi. In the discussion of rhetorics, he sometimes succeeds and the other times fails. Aref's most significant craft in this work is the sensitive expression in the description of the scenes and the choice of similarity in a different atmosphere in a distich. Aref, by posing ironic expressions and in an unexpected manner , unveils his praised one (criticizes him) . Expression together with authority, and questioning in the excellency of the abstract of the book are of his outstanding and successful crafts.
فهرست منابع و مآخذ
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