Contrasted Methodology of Kashfol Asrar of Meybody and Almizan of Tabatabaee's Interpretations
Subject Areas : Abstract ArticlesEbrahim Nakhaei 1 , S. Mohammad Ali Ayazi 2
1 - PhD Student, Quran and Hadith Sciences, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: mystical interpretation, Keywords : the Kashfol Asrar, Almizan Interpretation, Allameh Tabatabaee, Rashidoddin Meybody,
Abstract :
Abstract Considering that interpretation of The Qur'an is one of the most important branches of Islamic sciences, and sometimes it is connected to the Persian Literature which in turn has led to the richness of this literature, we decided to distinguish the methodology of the Kashfol Asrar interpretation and Tabatabaee's Almizan and survey these two works. We are going to compare the differences between the two interpreters' point of view in understanding the religious texts and compare them to identify the strengths and weaknesses of these two interpretations. They will be analyzed in this position. Mysticism can be seen throughout the text of Kashfol Asrar, while the Almizan has scientific and technical nature and author's mystic ideas has been less effective in it.
فهرست منابع و مآخذ
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12- شیخ صدوق، (1378ق)، عیون أخبارالرّضا علیه السّلام، تهران، نشر جهان، چاپ اوّل.
13- فیروزآبادی، سیّدمرتضی، (1392ق)، فضائل الخمسة من الصّحاح السّتة، تهران، انتشارات اسلامیه، چاپ دوم.
14- میبدی، رشیدالدّین، (1371)، کشف الاسرار و عدّة الابرار، تهران، انتشارات امیر کبیر، پنجم.