Epic in Seyyed Ashrafadding Gilani's Poetry ( Nassime Shomal )
Subject Areas : Abstract ArticlesMohammad Ali Mahmoodabadi 1 , Ali Asghar Babasafari 2 *
1 - PhD Student in Persian Language and Literature, Sirjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sirjan, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Myth, epic, Keywords : poetry, Nassime Shomal, divan ( book of poetry ),
Abstract :
Abstract By studying and reviewing the treasure of a thousand years of Persian Literature and poetry, we understand that the poet and the writer are clearly influenced by their personal and social situation in one of the literary genres (epic literature, didactic and lyric forms ) which express morally and socially the kind of idealistic aspirations which outcries to the readers. Nassim Shomal( poetry of northern breeze )is one of the prominent representatives of the Iranian constitutional era. Although his poetry lacks the literary integrity and maturity, his simplicity sincerity, honesty and freedom of language caused to have a significant impact on public. Therefore research on epic themes seemed to be important and inevitable. In this study, we surveyed the epic effects, courage and resistance in Seyyed Ashrafaddin Gilani's lyrics and concluded that the north breeze look at the extreme Iranian myths and using the ancient stories and myths of ancient Iran, the expressed new concepts and themes along with deep rooted sentiments to achieve the goals of liberation.
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الف) کتاب ها
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ب) مقالات
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