Studying of Epic Characteristic of Jarira , with an Approach to the Theory of Intera-texualism ( Based on the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi, Pre-Islamic Texts and the texts of Islamic Era )
Subject Areas : Abstract ArticlesFatemeh Haji Rahimi 1 * , Kianoosh Biranvand 2
1 - PhD Student, Department of Epic Literature, Qom University, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Qom, Iran.
2 - PhD Student, Department of Epic Language and Literature, Qom University, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Qom, Iran.
Keywords: Pari, Keywords: intratextual look, Jarira, Siyawash, grand goddess,
Abstract :
Abstract Comprehending any story requires information about its present and past resources. Knowing and better understanding the stories of the Shahnameh won't be possible unless one knows the pre-texts and their relationship to each other. The present research which has been done through qualitative method and by descriptive-analytic approach, deals with the fable of Jarira and the narrative related to it in the Shahnameh. The research is based on the theory which in the stage of transferring the mythological characters to the world of epic, the grand goddess of water and land and fairies ( pari ) in the ancient times lose their characteristics by factors such as the transposition of the myths and fading paradisical color and take the form of Jarira in epic. In these surveys which have been done according to historical evidences, it has been tried to prove that it was these narrators and musicians of the courts of Partians and Kushanians who in the era concurrent with the formulation of epic, in re-narrating the qualities and manners of this ancient mythological character have imposed the desired patriarchal society in regard to humiliating ideas about the women. The traits such as her lower personality in the Shahnameh, her beauty, extra humanistic actions and her love affairs, her reproductivity and ultimately her disappearance organize these tenets.
فهرست منابع و مآخذ
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