A comparative study of the legal system for investigating construction violations in Iran and Singapore
Subject Areas : International Legal Research
Farbod Nazari
Ali Dashti
1 - PhD student in Public Law, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
2 - Graduated from Shahid Beheshti University with a PhD in Public Law
Keywords: Municipality, Iranian legal system, violation, Comparative Law, Construction Violations, Singapore,
Abstract :
Field and Aims: Over the past years, in parallel with the establishment of urban planning and construction regulations, the category of supervision and control over construction activities has been raised. In 1345, under Article 100 of the Municipal Law, a commission was provided to deal with construction violations. After that, in different historical periods and affected by the social and political conditions of the society, the mentioned article has been modified and added. Based on this, we study the handling of construction violations. Method: This article is written in a descriptive-analytical way. Findings and Conclusion: The number of cases presented in the aforementioned commissions in Iran and the complications in the way of proceedings and the resolution of disputes between individuals and representatives of public power, the need to formulate a new law or at least amend related laws and regulations in the field of monitoring and dealing with violations It makes a building inevitable. This issue has been accurately and widely provided with effective enforcement guarantees and the use of legal levers, including compliance with regulations, demolition, suspension of activity, financial fines and imprisonment in Singapore under the Building Control Law. In addition, the violations of legal entities and government bodies have been taken into consideration and in some cases, the establishment of regulations and the handling of complaints have been placed in the competence of a real person (the minister).
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